Exploring Volcano, CA

For such a small town, Volcano, CA has a big history and a lot to offer for modern day visitors. Nestled in a picturesque bowl-shaped valley (thought to be a volcano by the miners that settled the town), Volcano is a true gem in Amador County.  

The town was founded in 1848 in an area once home to Miwok, and very quickly became a thriving hub for miners working at the nearby gold mines. Just a year later, there were saloons, more than a dozen hotels, three bakeries and a theater. The first debate society in California was formed in Volcano, and the library was the first in the state to circulate books. At its peak, the population reached more than five thousand residents.  

By 1857, gold was becoming scarcer, and the population began to decline. Several fires leveled hotels and businesses, and while some where rebuilt many were not. In 1893 the California Debris Commission shut down the hydraulic mines that powered much of Volcano’s mining operations. Today, fewer than 100 people call Volcano home. The buildings that remain are well preserved, and the town remains a beautiful place to visit. 

Fun things to do in Volcano, CA

Explore the Historic Downtown

Take a stroll through the streets of Volcano's historic downtown and admire some of the most the well-preserved 19th-century buildings in the region. Visit the Volcano Theatre Company, which hosts family-friendly plays and performances throughout the year.

Black Chasm Cavern

Descend into the depths of Black Chasm Cavern, a breathtaking natural wonder. Guided tours take visitors through the cavern, highlighting its stunning formations such as stalactites, stalagmites, and flowstones. Kids will be fascinated by the underground world and the stories of the miners who once worked in these very mines.

Daffodil Hill

If you visit Volcano in the spring, don't miss the opportunity to visit Daffodil Hill. This family-owned ranch bursts into a colorful spectacle each year with over 300,000 daffodils in bloom. 

Amador Flower Farm

Another delightful outdoor activity for families is a visit to the Amador Flower Farm. This 14-acre farm offers a beautiful display of flowers, including over 1,000 varieties of daylilies. Families can wander through the fields, enjoy the fresh air, and even pick their own bouquet to take home.

Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park

Just a short drive from Volcano, you'll find the Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park. This park preserves a limestone outcrop used by Native Americans for grinding acorns into meal. Take a self-guided tour and learn about the region's Native American history while enjoying a picnic or a hike along the nature trails.

Volcano, California, may be a small town, but it offers a big dose of family fun and history. Whether you're exploring the historic downtown, venturing into a cave, or enjoying the vibrant colors of Daffodil Hill, there's something for everyone in this charming destination.


Located in Volcano, Amador

16120 Main St
Volcano, CA 95689
United States