North Star Mine Powerhouse and Pelton Wheel Museum

Grass Valley boasts a captivating history intricately woven with the gold mining industry of the 19th century. As you explore this charming town, a visit to the North Star Mining Museum becomes a must, offering a glimpse into the relentless pursuit of riches that once defined this region. 

Mining in Grass Valley: A Glittering Legacy 

To truly appreciate the significance of the North Star Mining Museum, it's essential to understand the profound impact that mining had on Grass Valley and its surrounding areas during the Gold Rush era. 

In the mid-1800s, the discovery of gold in California ignited a frenzied migration of fortune seekers from around the world. Grass Valley, with its rich veins of gold, quickly became a focal point of this Gold Rush. The town saw the establishment of several prominent mines, including the North Star Mine, Empire Mine, and Idaho-Maryland Mine, each playing a unique role in shaping the history of the region. 

The North Star Mine 

Dynamite packing machine
Meticulously renovated dynamite packing machine

The North Star Mine, founded in 1850, was one of the most prolific gold mines in California. Operating for nearly a century, it extracted a staggering amount of gold, ultimately becoming renowned as "the richest 36 acres on Earth." The mine not only produced gold but also played a vital role in the community's growth, providing employment and opportunities for countless individuals. 

Stamp Mill at the North Star Powerhouse Museum
A working stamp mill

Visiting the North Star Mining Museum allows you to explore the inner workings of this iconic mine. The museum's exhibits, including actual working machinery, vividly depict the arduous labor, innovative machinery, and the sheer determination that defined the North Star Mine's operations. Be sure to talk to the extremely knowledgeable docents, many of whom have deeply personal connections to the mines and the area.  

The exhibits are dominated by the enormous Pelton Wheel, the largest in the world, saved from destruction by Mrs. Phoebe Cartwright. Also unmissable is the working stamp mill, equally enormous and thunderously loud. In addition to the machinery, there are exhibits that show how the miners lived outside of the mines. 

A visit to the North Star Mining Museum in Grass Valley, California, is a journey back in time, where you can immerse yourself in the captivating history of gold mining in the Sierra Nevada Foothills. The tales of the North Star Mine, and to some extent the nearby Empire Mine and Idaho-Maryland Mine, echo through the exhibits, artifacts, and stories shared within these hallowed grounds. As you explore the exhibits, you'll gain a profound appreciation for the resilience and determination of the miners who once sought their fortunes deep beneath the earth, leaving an indelible mark on the history of this remarkable region. 

The museum is open May 1 through Oct 31, Wed-Sun 12pm-4pm. Nov 1 through April 30 the museum is open by appointment. 

933 Allison Ranch Rd
Grass Valley, CA 95949
United States

Phone: (530) 273-4255