The Griffith Quarry Museum

The Griffith Quarry Museum and surrounding park are situated in a quiet corner of the sleepy town of Penryn, and surprisingly,  it’s one of the more consequential sites in town. The quarry was established in 1864 by Welsh immigrant Griffith Griffith. By the 1870’s, the town of Penryn, named after the quarry, had become a bustling community. This was once one of the most successful manufacturing businesses in Placer County, and stone from the quarry was used in notable buildings up and down the state. The quarry operated until the 1890s.

At the center of the park is the impressive Quarry. Although it’s overgrown now with trees, the steep granite cliffs are still impressive. The trail leads around the query with several scenic overlooks, and past low ruins of buildings used during the quarry’s operation. The museum, located in the parking lot, features original office furniture and exhibits highlighting the granite industry, the Griffith family and the history of the area.

Open Saturdays from Noon - 4:00pm. Check the website for the latest information.

Located in Penryn, Placer County

7504 Rock Springs Roads
Penryn, CA 95663
United States

Phone: (530) 889-6500